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Swiss gold and enamel musical box, Genova, c.1910.

Cartier 18c gold cigarette case, London 1933 DSC07934.jpg

Cartier 18c gold cigarette case, London 1933

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Antique Victorian parcel-gilt Silver and champlevé enamel bowl by Charles Edwards, London, 1883.

Antique Norwegian silver and guilloche enamel table clock by David Anderson, Oslo, circa 1920s 2024-07-04 12-09-57 (B,R8,S3).jpg

Antique Norwegian silver and guilloche enamel table clock by David Anderson, Oslo, circa 1920s

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Antique Austrian rock crystal, silver gilt and champlevé enamel coupe, Vienna, circa 1880

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English 18 ct gold vinaigrette box, Birmingham 1862.

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Norwegian silver and cloisonné enamel tea set by Gustav Hellstrøm c. 1930s.

Italian 14 ct gold matchbox, Italy, c.1910. IMG_2013.JPG

Italian 14 ct gold matchbox, Italy, c.1910.

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Boucheron French silver, silver gilt and ruby compact and matching lipstick, circa 1920s

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English silver set of six wine goblets by Barker Ellis Silver Co, Birmingham 1973.

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Art Deco French silver , gold and ruby compact, circa 1930s

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Antique Austrian silver gilt and lapis lazuli clock, Vienna, circa 1890s

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Antique Austrian silver gilt and agate jug, Vienna, circa 1880s

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Antique Austrian silver guilt and enamel clock, Vienna, circa 1880 by Hermann Ratzerdorfer

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19th century Austrian silver gilt, enamel and rock crystal drinking horn , by Hermann Ratzerdorfer, Vienna, circa 1880s

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Antique Austrian Silver Guild and Enamel box, c.1867.

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Chinese silver and enamel butter dish, 19 century

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Norwegian silver guild and guilloché enamel cigarette and vesta case, c.1900

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Norwegian silver enamel dish by J. Tostrup, Oslo 1950s.

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Antique Continental 19th century silver and glass claret jug

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French silver and porcelain box, Christofle c.1890

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Viennese silver and gild table clock, Vienna c.1900

French silver and porcelain Art Nouveau Vase, c.1900 DSC01943.JPG

French silver and porcelain Art Nouveau Vase, c.1900

French silver gild and ruby glass set of 4 salts with spoons, 19c. DSC01984.JPG

French silver gild and ruby glass set of 4 salts with spoons, 19c.

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19th Century Austrian Silver Hardstone Vase

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English Silver Gilt Snuff Box, London 1821

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Danish Silver and enamel spoon by Peter Hertz, c. 1900

Austrian silver gild and enamel cigarette case. Wien, c.1900 IMG_4768.jpg

Austrian silver gild and enamel cigarette case. Wien, c.1900

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Sterling Silver Bowl on Stand, Birmingham 1906

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French Glass and Silver Bon Bon Dish, c.1880

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Pair of French Silver Gilt Niello Salts, c.1890

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Pair of English Silver and Cut Glass Ink Wells on Stand, Sheffield 1907

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Continental Silver and Cut Glass Claret Jug, c.1890

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English Victorian Travelling Communion Set, London 1884

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19th Century French Silver Kettle on Stand,

English silver creamer and sugar bowl by Joseph and John Angell, 1836,1840 IMG_3265.jpg

English silver creamer and sugar bowl by Joseph and John Angell, 1836,1840

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French silver and ceramic Claret Jug by Bointaburet with special design of ceramic by Clement Massier( 1844-1917)

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Antique Continental early 20th century Art Noveau table centrepiece, 925 sterling silver , maker’s mark “Lale”.

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Antique 19th century continental sliver and cut glass Claret Jug

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Antique late Victorian sterling silver impressive large trophy cup, London 1874.

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Antique 19 century French Gilt Bronze Mantel Clock
