Vasiliy Sumarev b.1938 "Winter landscape" 1982

Vasiliy Sumarev b.1938 "Winter landscape" 1982
VASILI SUMAREV (b. 1938), “Winter landscape” oil on canvas, 1982, 50 x 70.
Vasiliy Sumarev was born in 1938 in Belarus. He finished Minsk Art College 1959, graduated from Minsk Art Academy 1965, studied under the guidance of M. Danzig, I Akhremchik. Since 1966 hetakes part in art exhibitions. The works are kept in National Art Museum of Belarus. He is deserve worker Belarus Arts 1981, Lenin Komsomol Prize winner 1982, awarded with bronze medal USSR ENEA. Since 1967 he is a member of Artist Union.
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