Boris Sveshnikov (1927-1998), "Self-portait", 1990

Boris Sveshnikov (1927-1998), "Self-portait", 1990
Boris Sveshnikov (1927-1998), "Self-portait", oil on canvas, 1990.
Size: 59x79 cm.
Boris Petrovitch Sveshnikov was a Russian postwar and contemporary ,nonconformist painter, graphic artist and illustrator.
Boris Sveshnikov's paintings have been exhibited at the Galerie Moscou-Petersburg in Paris (1979), The Musée Russe in Exil in Montgeron, France(1979), the Museum of Soviet Unofficial Art in Exile in Jersey City (1981), the Cannon and Russell Rotundas on Capitol Hill (1983), the Meerbuscher Culture Center in Meerbusch, Germany (1984), the National Museum of Modern Art in Paris (1988), and Mimi Ferzt Gallery in New York City (1999). Some of Boris Sveshnikov's most important works are found in the Norton and Nancy Dodge Collection of Nonconformist Art from the Soviet Union, currently housed in the Zimmerli Art Museum at Rutgers University.